Horizon Europe
The next EU research & innovation programme (2021 - 2027)
Why are the EU Framework Programmes important?
The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation is the main EU funding instrument for research and innovation (R&I).
The topic is a major priority area for Science Europe and its Member Organisations (MOs). Science Europe represents both Research Performing Organisations (RPOs), who are among the main beneficiaries of the Framework Programmes, and Research Funding Organisations (RFOs), who have decades of experience in setting up leading research programmes and who collaborate regularly with the European Commission notably through joint initiatives.
Science Europe and its MOs are committed to contributing to making EU Framework Programmes a successful and efficient tool to boost R&I.
Current Priorities for Research and Innovation
As of 2023, the European Institutions have already launched Horizon Europe, the latest Framework Programme covering the period from 2021 to 2027. Science Europe firmly believes that Horizon Europe should continue to be guided by the following key priorities:
Strategic Funding Allocation: Prioritizing the allocation of substantial financial resources to address ambitious objectives. These objectives include enhancing Europe's global research and innovation standing and addressing pressing societal challenges.
Emphasis on Excellence: Upholds the fundamental principle of 'excellence' as its cornerstone, reinforcing mechanisms that endorse research excellence, with a particular focus on bolstering the European Research Council.
Comprehensive Research Inclusion: Encompasses opportunities for both fundamental and applied research across all facets of the programme, encompassing research that addresses pressing societal challenges.
Inclusive Excellence Promotion: Incorporates measures aimed at fostering and nurturing excellence in all European Research Area countries, promoting a pan-European spirit of research excellence.
Open Access and Data Sharing: Advocates for the promotion of Open Access to research findings and the sharing of research data, fostering transparency and collaboration within the research community.
Enhanced Public Sector Collaboration: Promoting collaboration with public sector partners in R&I programs and cross-border investments to advance research and innovation for the greater good."​​
What is Science Europe doing to achieve these aims?
Science Europe is an active voice in the policy dialogues for the Horizon Europe preparations and is actively collaborating with policy makers from the EU Institutions to ensure that the input of its Research Performing Organisations and Research Funding Organisations is integrated into the final programme.
Science Europe puts forward the experience of its Member Organisations, and feedback from approaches tested at national level, to inform the decisions regarding the development and implementation of new initiatives developed within Horizon Europe.
Science Europe also informs and supports its Member Organisations in the context of their own engagement with Horizon Europe.